Board Members
Leadership Military Academy
Board of Directors
The Leadership Military Academy (LMA) / Board of Directors consists of a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of seven (7) directors, including: one (1) ex officio seat reserved for a representative appointed by the Riverside County Board of Education (authorizing agency) as required by Education Code Section 47604(b); and as a specific requirement of this charter, two (2) seats reserved for parent representatives. “Parent representative” for this purpose means a parent, guardian, or adult relative of a currently enrolled LMA student. The Leadership Military Academy Board of Directors operates under authority of the Riverside County Board of Education (Authorizer), The California Constitution, the State Legislature, the State Education Code, and the State Board of Education. The Board of Directors has responsibility for:
- Acting as the appellate agency for LMA student expulsions.
- Adopting bylaws and policies governing the operation of LMA.
- Adopting the LMA annual budget.
- Adopting the LMA school calendar.
- Consulting with the Executive Director on his or her recommendations and acting upon them.
- Exercising control of LMA in accordance with the State and Federal Constitution, and applicable laws and regulations.
- Participation in the adopted complaint procedures contained in LMA policy.
- Providing adequate housing, equipment, supplies and other facilities for the operation of LMA.
- Hearing communications, written and/or oral from citizens and organizations on matters of administration, finance, organization, policy and program.

Michael Francis, Board President
Term: 2025
Michael Francis started his career in the aluminum casting industry, manufacturing engine components. In November 2001 shortly after the attacks on the World Trade Center, Mr. Francis was deputized by United States Office of Homeland Security (now known as the Department of Homeland Security) under the Patriot Act of 2001 to ensure all aluminum and magnesium castings related to the United States wartime effort (California region 9) were held as a priority to the foundries tasked with the castings. In 2008 when the governments stockpile hit a satisfactory level. Mr. Francis returned to Palm Springs to continue in the aluminum casting industry where he owns and operates his family’s business. Mr. Francis still contracts with major aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing and Boeing Phantom Works in Southern California.

Robert Tipton, Board Vice President
Term: 2025
Robert Tipton is General Manager of IDS communications company overseeing the daily operation of the company. Mr. Tipton is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, a member of the American Legion, Son of the American Legion, and Veteran of Foreign Wars. His experience brings a military and leadership perspective to the Leadership Military Academy. He has been Commander of the American Legion Post 422 and has served as the finance officer for seven years and is still the finance officer for the Sons of the American Legion Squadron 422.

Dr. Wendel Tucker, Board Chief Financial Officer
Term: 2025
At the time of his election to the Leadership Military Academy Board of Directors, Dr. Tucker's professional experience included serving as a board member of Riverside County Board of Education, teaching and working as a school principal. He also served as the assistant superintendent for operational services and as superintendent in the Alvord Unified School District in California. Tucker obtained a B.A. and an M.A. from Pacific Union College. He earned a Ph.D. in educational leadership from Miami University in Ohio.
Robert C. Harris, Board Secretary
Term: 2025
Robert C. Harris is a parent and grandparent of LMA students. He is a Retired State of California Peace Officer. He started his career in Law Enforcement with the Riverside County Juvenile Probation Department as a Senior Group Counselor . He also worked as a Group Supervisor at the California Youth Training School (YTS) in Chino Ca. He has a Bachelor’s of Science in Sociology and Urban Studies from the University of California at Riverside (1983) Mr. Harris is a Retired Substitute Teacher for Riverside Unified School District. He was the Project Director for Riverside Urban League's “Project S.T.A.R Sports, Tutoring, Arts and Recreation", a program to promote self-esteem in a supervised environment. He is the Current Director of the Pathfinder Program, a Seventh Day Adventist Youth program with focus on character development through service, learning and outdoor activities. Mr. Harris is a founding Board member of the Bobby Bonds Day Sports and Youth Festival event held each summer in Riverside California.

Karin Avila, Board Parent Representative
Term: 2025
I am a proud guardian of a student at LMA. My professional career is rooted in real estate investment, a field I am deeply passionate about. I also have a strong interest in communication studies and enjoy exploring ways to foster meaningful connections. In my free time, I volunteer my retired therapy dog at senior care facilities and hospitals, bringing comfort and companionship to those in need. I also take pride in hosting community events that bring people together and create lasting memories. It’s an honor to serve on the board and contribute to the LMA community.